
4 weeks remaining in life as we know it

Don't worry, this isn't a post on how I'm getting married in 28 days.

As you may or may not know, Psych is a major part of my life and has been since it started. It's my favorite TV show and has been an uplifting source of comedic relief for my otherwise dramatic life. It's on its last 4 episodes and I just don't know what I'm going to do without it. The following is a conversation I had with my friend Jessie about the afore mentioned event. It's a very traumatic time in our lives and I believe because we had Psych, we are able to cope with our loss in such a healthy manner.

Me: ...I just want to cry every time I think about it

Jessie: I must be a better fan because I do in fact cry Every time.... This is awkward.. For you

Me: Hahaha I was crying while I watched it.

J: Oh... Well I bawled like a baby and because I did I got asked if I would donate my tears to the ocean because they were running low and were afraid the sea life would die... So I basically saved the ocean

I: Hahahahaha! Good thing because as I was crying and watching the show, mermaids came to me and told me that my devotion to psych has inspired them and given them the drive they need to stand up to their oppressors and gain their freedom back. They were so oppressed, man. Now they're free. And it's because I'm such a big fan of psych and the whole Santa Barbara police department.

J: Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm dYing! But not as bad as those poor baby belugas! I sad to them "oh baby beluga, oh baby beluga, is the water warm? Is your momma home with you so happy? Way down under where the dolphins play. Where you swim and splash all day.... "And you know what that sweet beluga said "Yeees Jessie, thank you for saving my life and all of the aquatic wild life!" And alas another tear fell and one more but from baby beluga as he said, "Jessie, oh Jessie... I am so sad your show is coming to an end, but you saved millions of lives so rejoice in that!" And I said, "So you're saying this isn't  so much of an end as it is a beginning?" And I swear on my pet ducks grave baby beluga said, "Ehh I've heard it both ways." And the most incredible thing happened, he bestowed upon me a glorious pineapple... A pineapple so glorious it made all other pineapples taste and look like 💩

I: Hahahaha would you believe that the mermaids are really close with the belugas. They told me of this happening and I did not realize it was you they were speaking of. Oh what joy my heart feels for you. But not as much joy as the mermaid kingdoms feel for their rediscovered liberty. It has literally given them powers beyond imagination. So much power that they weren't sure what to do with it. So after blessing me with the name Geronimo Jenkins and dubbing me an honorary mermaid free to sail the 7 seas however I may wish, they set out to free other sea creatures, magical and benign, and tell the tale of the devoted psych fans who saved their lives, homes, and their freedoms.

J: Ok you are the true Penelope! Just when I thought I had topped the story, you pulled that right out of your ass like a true BSer and I am Impressed! Beyond! Belief! Hahaha I love you so much :)

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