
This Week's Follow Up (2/14-2/20)

Monday started off great. I prayed and read my scriptures, hung out around the house and then went into town with Brad. We had nothing to do, so we went and visited Catie at work, where I helped her out with her job. She works in the bakery at Smith's. I helped pack cookies, pies, and crescent rolls into the containers and put labels on them. I counted doughnuts in the doughnut container place thing. Then just hung out. Walked around a bit...then went to FHE. Had a blast playing games and relaying and stuff, had some ice cream, sang a little, then went home, got ready for bed, prayed, read scriptures and then watched some Prison Break *squeel* All in all, a pretty productive day :)

Tuesday did not start out so wonderfully...Brad woke me up saying I had to help feed the cousin's cows. I DID NOT want to do it!! It had nothing to do with the fact that I stayed up until 2:30 this morning, I just did not want to feed the cows! Jerica was already awake, ready, and willing, so why did I have to help? Well, I did it anyways. And hated it, of course, but it did feel nice to get up and do something. When I got in, I read my scriptures and prayed. Then I spent the rest of the day with Mom and Jerica in Tremonton/Brigham City. I got my hair did! We did a little shopping, got a lot of bread, which means nothing other than *TOAST*!! We went home, I fed calf and realized that there was no hay to feed to the other calves. I had to go to the second shed to get hay. Fortunately enough, they only have ton bales to feed off of there. It took me three trips to get enough hay to feed the little guys, but I got it done. Being willing to work makes all the difference. It feels so great to have a good attitude about work!!

Wednesday I got up at six, hung out in the kitchen with Forrest for a minute before he left for school, got ready for the day, and left the house by seven. I went to Twin Falls with Mom and Dad. "Why so early?" you might ask. Had a temple assignment at nine, so I sat in the waiting room for two hours while they did their thing. I got my scripture reading done...kind of. It would not have been so bad but I was so dang tired from waking up so early! I had three people ask me if I was doing okay. Did I look tired? Because I certainly felt it! We then went to Molly's Bagels and had breakfast, then to D.I. and I got a vase for my project. (I'm really excited for this!) Winco, my favorite grocery store next to Costco, I seriously love that place so much! Then we went to Wal-Mart, then, the reason I even went to town, COSTCO! Just in time for lunch, so of course we hit the sample tables. There was only one thing I didn't like, and that was the artichoke dip. No matter how many times I try artichokes, I will never like them. We then went home, right as it started to blizzard. We drove through said blizzard all the way home. It snowed a good 3 inches in like two hours. Crazy. Then, I went out to feed in that blasted weather. The one calf I have to take half-care of is sick. Poor guy. I had to give it some medicine. It smelled bad, no wonder the calf didn't want to have any! Not a whole lot of work opportunities arose, but I did have chances to sit and think. Good day!

Thursday was a nothing day. I prayed and read my scriptures...so far so good on that goal! I strawed the pile at like 10 and then sat on the couch with my computer for the rest of the day. (So much for keeping computer time only at night.) I did take a nap, and I watched Unstoppable, which was a pretty good movie. I love Denzel! He's my Chuck Norris. It was only Brad and me home so there was not a whole lot of contention. I did laundry! It took 3 times for the clothes to get dry enough to tolerate. I kind of packed the washer and drier with my colors. But, 2 weeks worth of clothes in only 2 loads baby! One thing I did not accomplish that I was supposed to do: the bathroom. I didn't get it cleaned. I hate cleaning the bathroom! When it's only me that has been using it, fine. But when the boys have, too, GROSS!  So, that will probably be done tomorrow.

Friday. ALLISON AND ANDREW ARE COMING TODAY! Andrew is just on his way through to Provo, but Alli is staying the whole weekend!! These were my thoughts as I woke up. Kind of. Then I read my scriptures. Mand and Al didn't get here until about 7:30 that night, but that's okay, because I still got to see them! When Andrew saw me, he got a huge grin on his face, but then quickly hid it because that would be letting someone see his feelings and make him seem non-apathetic. The rest of the day went. It was the first, and only, day that all the family was at home. So we talked about ways to rearrange the living room to make it more conducive to actually living. They hung curtains, I stayed in my room all day and really did nothing. When the time came around, I went out and fed calf. And then Andrew and Alli came. We had dinner, we talked, Andrew left, then Alli and I sat in the room and she told me all about her time without me and how John spooned her. Awesome!

Saturday...uh...yeah....So this wasn't exactly a good day. I mean, it was, but then again, I wasn't a good kid. Colby had tickets to Brian Regan in Logan and he and Allison were going to go. Since Alli was visiting me, I decided to tag along, telling no one in my family, mind you. Jerica came back and said "Who's feeding your calf?" I was going to talk to her about it, I just hadn't yet. So she, being the natural brat that she is said "Nope, I'm not going to do it." So I'm in the bathroom doing my hair and she and Brad were in the kitchen talking crap about me, I can hear everything they're saying, pretty much. I've never been so mad is such a long time. No one can set me off like she can. She just has a way of pushing all my buttons at once! So I finished my hair, went out to go find Allison, who had gone out to flag down Colby. They were walking up the sidewalk as I got to the door, so I told them I wasn't going because Brad and Jerica are a bunch of B****y little girls. We went back to my room, I punched the door in my fit of rage. It crumbled like a graham cracker crust. I'm not strong by any means, and for me to punch a hole in the bedroom door is somewhat apocryphal. Flimsy pos anyway. So I let out my steam to Allison, Colb came back and we talked a little, I was crying, of course, then I hear Jerica yell "FINE! I'll feed your calf..." mumble mumble mumble. I don't even care what she said that I couldn't understand. I got my stuff and we were outta there! Of course Jerica was on the phone with mom when I walked out there. She was saying "You need to wash Laura's mouth out with soap!" Then she said to me "Mom's not very happy with you." So I said, "Yeah, so? I'm not very happy with you!" Anyway, I called her a B to her face again, and left. We had a great time in Logan. I saw Bridgette and Beccah Boo. I did no work and was kind of selfish. But I would have to say the rest of the week went rather well, I suppose.

Sunday, I had stayed the night at Beccah's in Cache Junction, or Logan. Comfy bed! We watched the Sandlot, then Colby and Alli came and got me. We came back to Juniper, sat and talked for a little bit, then Colby awkwardly left. Alli and I went to my bed immediately and watched 3rd Rock from the Sun. Guilty Pleasure. Then she fell asleep, I layed there cuddling with her. The family came home and it was pretty much just a restful Sunday. I feel bad that I didn't go to church, but by the time we got back from Logan, we didn't have enough time to get ready and go. So we just chilled all day.

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