
So, funny story..

This lady I work with is a complete b-word. And that's the reason I  (we) do the things we do.

ONe day she told me that I can't leave boxes in the garbage cart. I know for a fact that it is perfectly okay for me to do this. It's pointless for me to have to make more than one trip to the back, especially when it's just for 5 boxes.

So, me being the brat that I am, I left boxes in there for her. One of the other girls I work with said "You should write 'Kiss my a**!' on a box and leave it in there." I thought long and hard about doing that...only not writing those exact words.

A week goes by (yesterday), this lady leaves piles of trash and a huge mess for me to clean up. Sweet revenge is a dish best served cold. I left this little beauty in the garbage cart last night before I left work:

She was pretty angry this morning. She didn't say anything to me about it. Doreen (Boss-Lady) left a note for the baker and decorators (but mostly for this lady) reminding them to take out their trash. So this lady was having a tizzy fit about me "leaving all this garbage". 1 box. It was 1 box! Let's compare that to the CARTSSSS of trash you left here yesterday for me to take care of, LADY! (It's okay, cause I got sweet with one of the bag boys and asked him to take it back for me. What a cutie!)

Anywho, Lady didn't say anything to me about it. But she sure did make it known that she wasn't at all happy about my love note.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

i love your sense of humor.
more than my own.