
recent thinkings

What kind of mess would the world be in if lint didn't stick to itself?

Is there centrifugal force in space?

That's all for now.
There will be more to come...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

youll appreciate this story:
so my friend matt, who you would LOVE by the way, was over and i was telling him how id like to go to space because the no gravity stretches your back out not only making you taller, but it feels better because after all the years of standing up and walking your cartlige (sp?) is all compressed and thats why people backs hurt and even though im still in my prime my back hurts. anyway so i said i wanted to go to space. his response was "what kind of space?" i was like "are you shitting me? what the hell kind of space do you think im talking about?!" what kind of space can i go to that will stretch my back our because theres no gravity?? i thought that was pretty obvious! anyway, he then proceeded to tall me all the different kinds of space and i should have preceded (sp? again?? i need to go back to college to learn to spell) space by saying "OUTER" space. sheesh! some people!