

Work started off pretty slow. We don't exactly have a working oven because of the remodel. Yesterday was a great day, we got the new oven. It's so pretty and shiny and new and you can close the door with minimal effort, unlike the old oven, where you had to throw your entire body into it and maybe it would close. 

The plan was to have the new oven up and running today so that we could get all our breads baked and ready for tomorrow. 
While that was in the process of happening, I did whatever I could to bide my time.
I stayed relatively busy.
I was going to finish washing my walls.
I didn't get around to it though.
Because. The men working on the oven had an accident called "Flooded Bakery". 
One of the men that was on top of said oven broke the head off the sprinkler on the ceiling. That made the fire alarms sound, and all the other sprinklers start hosing the kitchen.
(I was in the bathroom when this all went down.) 
The oven was drenched.
We could actually smell the wet electricity. That's not a good sign. 
The men worked for hours trying to get the place dried up. 
Byron called in On The Spot cleaners to come dry the place up.
The best part? We had a lot of the boxes out of the freezer to make room for the new load that needed thrown.
Funny how compromising water can be, isn't it?
Ruined boxes, soaked employees, delayed operation time...

We didn't get the oven working. We still needed to bake the goods. 
Luckily, Albertson's is nearby and are so nice. 
They let us bring our breads, rolls, pastries, and bagels over to bake in their oven so that we could have some product for tomorrow. 
Talk about sending a fruit basket! They deserve it. 

There's the story of my night. 
I didn't get off work until after 10.
And, I'm training new girl tomorrow.
See you in the morning, everyone!


Lindsey said...

remember how i stopped and watched you work once...ahh, the good ol days of last month :]

LauraHurst said...

remember how it took hours to do that garlic bread?