
Dear Chauvinistic Men,

I'm sure I do not need to inform you that we are in the 21st century. It has been authorized for women to be able to do whatever they wish, within legal reason, for decades. Your view on women as only being good for sex and sandwiches is skewed and quite the opposite of what we women truly are. It may have been, once upon a time, that men were the bread winners, therefore they got to rule the household. This is no longer the case. Your expectations of us as women are ridiculous, considering in some areas, women are preferred over men. Men and women were created equally. They were designed to take on different roles to match their abilities. You were born with arms and legs, therefore giving you the ability to vacuum, take out the trash, and even make your own "damn sandwich". Assert your manhood as much as you would like, but I, as a woman, am not impressed when you belch and command me to do whatever task you could do, just as easily.