
Dear Best Friend,

I'm sorry everything is going so badly for you right now. I really wish I could be there for you. Like, really. I miss you a lot and I want to take all your problems away and shoot them with a .44. You don't deserve any of the issues you are going through. You've had such a difficult life, and for it to keep on that way is something you shouldn't have to deal with. But if you believe that everything is for the better, try to keep your chin up, and remember that God is not gone, He's just waiting for you to come to Him, He will help you, and you will make it through. I promise. Face this thing head on. With God on your side, you'll never fail.

I will pray for you, my friend. You're always in my heart. I love you, and I pray for everything to get better for you. You're amazing. Remember that, but don't let it go to your head.

                               Yours, forever.


Beautiful_Disaster ♫ said...

I know you weren't writing this to me, but I read it and it made me feel better and junk. <3

Unknown said...

i know this wasnt for me either. and ive been waiting to comment on it forever! but i read this on the worst day i've had in a really really long time and i just needed it to be for me for a second. and i just cried thinking how much i really love you and the person you are and i could never ask for a better bff or whatever. you mean the world to me and i miss your faice everyday! with everything thats happened in the last week i just want the world to stop for a second so i can catch my breath and i just want you to know i love you so so much! and thanks for always being there when i need it and for giving me all the details when i ask! youre the best.